Apache lucene configuration
Apache lucene configuration

apache lucene configuration

Similar to the issues that Dan Solovay described in his blog, I was unable to create a Solr core using Sitecore’s Search Scaling Guide. This is the schema file that we will use for the Solr cores. Open the output file, and make the following edits: Next, open the Sitecore Control Panel and run “Generate the Solr Schema.xml file” from the Indexing menu. The file needs to be modified before running the Sitecore Solr Schema configuration tool. I found the Solr schema file in the “D:\Bitnami\solr-5.4.1-0\apache-solr\solr\configsets\basic_configs\conf” folder.

apache lucene configuration

Running the tool is easy, but it is out of date if you are using a newer version of Solr. This tool attempts to modify the Solr Schema configuration so that you can use Solr with Sitecore. Next, I downloaded the Solr Support Package from the Sitecore SDN and installed it using the Sitecore Installation Wizard. Installing Apache Web Server and Solr using Bitnami is very easy. I hunted around on the internet and managed to find a link to the older version of the installer. Søren Engel wrote a great blog about using Bitnami to setup Solr with Sitecore 8.

Apache lucene configuration install#

Bitnami seemed like an easy way to install the Apache Web Server and Solr. I wanted to spin Solr up quickly and simply. After reading Dan Solovay’s excellent blog post, I decided to use Solr v5.x, specifically v5.4.1-0. I wanted the most current version of Solr that I could find that would result in the fewest compatibility issues with the old version of Sitecore. I consulted the Sitecore Solr Compatibility Table. I started by trying to determine which version of Solr to run. I’m a newbie to Solr, and found this a bit challenging, so I thought I’d write about it in case there is someone else out there on an older version of Sitecore, facing this same situation. The site had outgrown Lucene, so a transition to Solr was needed, and sooner rather than later. Periodic issues with Lucene indexes becoming corrupted became problematic. Several custom Lucene indexes were used for rendering critical UI elements. So be sure to also checkout the Learning Resources page.I recently found myself with the challenge of migrating a Sitecore 7 system from Lucene to Solr.

apache lucene configuration

You will likely find both types of resources helpful. Some of these are part of the official Apache Lucene.NET project and others are from the community. In addition to the Introduction and Tutorial, we have compiled a list of learning resources to help you on your Lucene.NET journey. To get started building your first application go to the Tutorial page. So that's the approach we are going to take to get you up and running with Lucene.NET. TutorialĪs developers, one of the fastest ways to learn a new technology is to build a toy application with it. You'll learn where it came from and what it can do for you. The Introduction page provides a bit of context about Lucene.NET. We want to get you up and running quickly with the basic info you need to take Lucene.NET for a spin. But for now we are not concerned about that. Lucene.NET is a sophisticated search library that has a lot of advanced features. We also hope you will come away from this section with enough knowledge to be able to be able to continue your leaning journey with the various other resources that are available. Our goal here is to get you enough information and experience with Lucene.NET so that you have a sense for what it is and how it might be useful to you. We assume you don't know anything about this awesome search library and are encountering it for the first time. We hope this Quick Start section makes it easy to start learning about Lucene.NET.

Apache lucene configuration