He alone had power to prevail because He was the all-powerful God. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer I have overcome the world." " These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.Not for Himself, but as a scapegoat for us. Only Christ as fully God and fully man was capable of conquering or prevailing over death. Thus Christ, as a man, had to also be fully God in order to overcome or gain the victory over death. That atonement would take a man that was "fully God" in order to pay all that was required for those sins.
And no mere man, or even a super man, could take upon his own body his sins ( much less the sins of the world), suffer the wages of death for them, and be raised again from that death free of those sins. One might ask, " What has all this to do with Christ being fully God?" And I would reply, everything! Because it was Adam or literally Man that sinned, it would have to be man that was accountable for those sins.

The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.".Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual." And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.This careful and thorough study of the Scriptures gives us a better understanding of the integral union inherent in God coming to earth in the flesh ( the second Adam) to accomplish His task as man. We can show with Scripture that Christ not only had all these attributes, but demonstrated them in various ways throughout His ministry.
To be fully God is to have " all" or the full divine attributes of God, else He cannot be " fully" God. The central tenet of faithful Christianity is the belief Jesus was fully God and fully man. i.e., if Christ was good, then He was God ( Matthew 19:17), or if Christ could forgive sins, He was God ( Luke 5:21). It is these abilities and powers that indeed defined Him as God. When one saw Christ, they saw God who alone has these divine attributes that demonstrated throughout Scripture. These Scriptures are assuring us that Christ was not simply God-like, a limited form of God, or God-empowered, but that He in the fullest sense of the word, was God. That limitation would involve the Greek word and not. It is not simply putting forth an idea of Christ having some divine perfections or limited attributes of divinity. The phrase " of the Godhead" is the Greek is which means the very nature and full authoritative power of the Godhead.